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On the day of your hoverboard experience we will get you ready at the beach and fit you with a life vest and we will provide instructions during the flight.

On the hoverboard you will initially  be sitting on the board and with a little bit of propulsion you will take us into deeper water, then you can get your feet into the foot straps and get ready to start.

After you master the basics on the hoverboard we will get you to try some more advance manoeuvres depending on your level of confidence and skills.


The Hoverboard is a board that has the same format as a snowboard and moves forward and flies to a height of up to 6 metres on top of the water. In order to achieve this it uses water under pressure which is received with a hose that is connected to a JetSki. The feeling of flying with the Hoverboard is similar to snowboarding. It’s very easy to learn. Practically everyone is doing it in less than 3 tries. The feet are fixed to the board with 2 foot straps which can be changed to suit left foot or right foot forwards. The control of the Hoverboard is made by the weight of the body. If you put more weight on the front the board will go down in height and if you put more weight on the back the board will go up in the air up to a maximum height of 6 metres. To turn the board you simply have to put more weight on the toes or on the heels depending if you want to turn left or right.